There are lots of ways to make your home more marketable if you plan on selling it. These tips may even increase the price if done correctly. Here are the following things you can do to make your home shine:
1.Make sure your entrance way says “Hey, look at me!”
2. Prune dead limbs from trees.
3. Paint (or touch up) exterior, and repair screens and windows.
4. Clean your windows.
5. Check A/C and [...]
There are many reasons people consider selling a home. Whether you’re thinking of upgrading, downsizing, or simply making a change, you may be wondering if the timing is right. Here are several reasons why this may be a good time to put your home on the market.
Housing prices in Texas have been steadily rising at a moderate pace for many years, even while other states have experienced wild price fluctuations. Chances are [...]
Texas REALTOR®vs. real estate licensee
Holding a real estate agent’s or real estate broker’s license does not make someone a REALTOR®. Here in Texas, membership in the National Association of REALTORS®, the Texas Association of REALTORS®, and one of 89 local associations or boards entitles real estate licensees to use the term “REALTOR®” on their business cards and in their marketing materials.
Hiring a Texas REALTOR®means you’ve retained someone who is committed [...]
No one buys a home hoping to get behind on payments and have the bank foreclose on it. Here are a few tips to avoid this problem altogether, and what to do if it does occur.
Don’t set yourself up for failure
There are two main ways to avoid foreclosure:
Don’t put yourself in a situation where you won’t be able to afford your mortgage. Know how much you can really afford before you start [...]
Owning your own home may be more realistic than you think.
Knowledge is power, particularly if you are striving to afford your first home. The homebuying process has many myths, though. For instance, you don’t have to put 20% down, you don’t have to have perfect credit, and you don’t have to accept a high interest rate or junk fees. With a personal loan, lenders typically don’t look at any information about [...]